February typically follows the pattern of January, with unusual highs and lows. In 1936, the coldest day ever recorded in North Dakota was February 15 when temperatures dropped as low as sixty degrees below zero in Parshall. That was the lowest temperature ever recorded east of the Rocky Mountains. This article aims to provide you with useful information about the coldest months in North Dakota. You’ll get a better understanding of the region’s climate by looking at the maps below.
Autumn and spring
North Dakota’s climate varies considerably throughout the year. While winters are generally cold, temperatures can rise above 40 degrees Celsius in the west and over 100 degrees Fahrenheit in the east. The climate of North Dakota is influenced by the El Nino and La Nina weather patterns. Both of these climatic conditions are associated with a greater risk of severe weather, especially in the winter months.
The first frost usually arrives in mid-September, which signals the end of the summer for many people. The temperatures in autumn are pleasant, with days staying mildly warm and nights remaining cool and breezy. Rainfall is light during this time, and average temperatures are around 66 degrees Fahrenheit (11 degrees Celsius).
The shortest days are in December and January when the temperatures are a few degrees below freezing. This cold can be dangerous, so you need to plan your activities accordingly. The coldest months in North Dakota are January, February, and December. On average, North Dakota receives 39 inches of snow each year. In northern towns, like Fargo, the snowfall is ten inches more. But that does not mean that you should avoid traveling during those months.
North Dakota is located in the extreme northern part of the Midwest. Although the western half of the state is drier than the east, the state has similar climates. Winters in North Dakota can be extremely cold, with temperatures falling as low as -60degF. There is also a chance of freezing rain and sleet. The average rainfall in North Dakota is 19.2 inches per year.
The weather in August in North Dakota is not that chilly. You can enjoy light sweatshirts while walking the plains or hiking on the mountain trails. Native prairie fruits are abundant, fishing is excellent, and farmland is ripe with harvest. Here are a few tips to enjoy the month in North Dakota. Read on to learn more about the weather in August in North Dakota! And be sure to check out the North Dakota weather forecast to know if August will be a good time to visit.
The annual average temperature in North Dakota varies from 37 degrees Fahrenheit in the northeast to 44deg F along most of the state’s southern border. This range hides large seasonal temperature differences throughout the state. The coldest month is January when average temperatures hover around zero degrees Fahrenheit. The warmest month is July, with an average temperature of 67 degrees F. August is only two degrees colder than July, but you’ll still be able to enjoy outdoor activities.
The coldest month in North Dakota in January. Temperatures in North Dakota often dip below zero on the first day of the month, with highs of only forty to fifty degrees above average. The state’s record low temperature was -60 degrees F in Parshall on February 15, 1936. The coldest temperatures recorded in North Dakota are the coldest east of the Rocky Mountains. Winter’s average high temperature is around 40 degrees F, with the coldest dipping below zero on February 15.
Summer is the warmest season in North Dakota, with average temperatures of around 82deg Fahrenheit and more than 200 sunny days per year. The shortest winter month is January, with temperatures dipping as low as eight degrees in January. However, spring weather in North Dakota is not without its charms. The weather during the warmer months of the year is more pleasant than winter’s, with high temperatures of about 40 degrees Fahrenheit and mild nights.
Category: Fargo, North Dakota